Words To Think About

posted in: Let’s Chat | 1

Words of wisdom I had to share from Yoga class (2/26). This is how it started…..

“Stop Shrinking Yourself to Fit Places You’ve Outgrown” 

Then Deana moved into a statement that she found when googling the quote above. I loved every part of this quote and really believe that there is something for everyone in here.

We hold on to what’s comfortable. We hold on so tightly that we become part of it. Where we live, a significant other, a job, a habit. We believe we belong to it and it belongs to us. Even if it no longer makes us grow. Even if the shoe no longer fits, the love becomes stale, the job sucks at our soul, the habit becomes destructive – it’s comfortable and we hold on.

The thing about comfort is that it convinces us anything outside of it is too foreign to accept. Anything outside of it is past our ability to understand. But our roots know better. Our roots know in order to grow, it needs to grow past comfort zones.

And if the things we belong to no longer serves our growth, if the love is stale, the shoe is too small, the job has left our soul thirsty, or habits have become destructive, we have contracted. We have forced ourselves to shrink. We have forced ourselves to fit into places our roots have grown past. Our roots know, it’s ok if we expand and FEAR is the energy that contracts.

So choose LOVE. Grow. Expand. the other side of comfort waits – The Seeds 4 Life

These are just a few of the reasons I loved the yoga class I found. Each and every session had some words of wisdom to ponder.

Unfortunately, Deana is no longer teaching our class as of the end of April. I am trying desperately to enjoy our new class but the words of wisdom are not there. The overall feeling of growth, grounding, learning, expanding, is not present. Embracing change……..OOOOHHHHMMMMM

  1. Jennifer Engelmann

    Great words to live by. Makes you think and re-evaluate your priorities.

    P.S. love the picture of the asparagus fern.

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