• Dallas Makerspace T-shirt
  • Pencil Holder
  • Beautiful wood grain
  • Pour Painting
  • First Pottery Pieces

The Best 5 Year Anniversary Gift….Ever

posted in: Embrace Creativity, Let’s Chat | 0

Updated: January 24, 2019

The traditional gift for a 5 year anniversary is “wood”. So now I have a dilemma,  my husband has said over the years that he would really like to get into woodworking. He enjoys what we has done and would love to learn and do more. So how do I find him a gift that fits his desires and the tradition?  

You take to the internet, of course, looking for wood, woodworking, and wood working tools. In my searching I came upon a place that was listed as a community workshop. Not sure what that meant, I started digging a little deeper and realized that I had happened upon a fabulous gift idea. A place that has a woodworking area with all of the large tools you could possible need, and they are available to anyone who wants to join for what I consider a nominal monthly membership fee. 

There are places like this around the nation and all are a bit different. Lucky for me there was a place listed in Dallas that is actually located only a few miles from home. Dallas MakerSpace  is the name and they conduct free tours on Thursday evenings so we signed up to check it out. On our tour we learned that there were a ton of different things we could learn as members. The company is a non profit and uses the monthly dues to improve the machines, purchase new items, or obtain products to be used by all. There are also classes available to learn new things and/or be certified on the many machines. There are 3D printers, laser cutters, woodworking tools of all kinds, an automotive and machining area, ceramics, glass fusing, sewing and embroidery, screen printing, software development, photo and video equipment and so much more. All of the teachers are volunteers. You can join committees for each of the areas and become as involved as you like. We both were so excited about the opportunities we became members.

We have been members for over a month now and love it. I have taken a soap making class, learned how to use the laser cutters, attended several classes on marketing, selling, and making passive income on Pintrest, Etsy, and YouTube. Next on the agenda is a ceramics class and acrylic pour painting (what ever that is). Maybe I’ll make something interesting that I can share with you. Paul has been certified on the wood shop machines, attended a clean up and potluck day with other wood shop folks, attended marketing classes with me, is going to learn how to use the induction forge, and, and, and……..there is so much we both want to try and do!

I also met the software developer committee chair and he said he knows some folks who would be willing to assist me with some questions I have on this website. Hopefully soon it will get much better and I will actually have a way for you to “follow me” set up along with notifications when a new post is available. Wouldn’t that be fabulous 🙂

The community workshop is a perfect gift for you or your loved ones to find new and interesting things to do with your creative side. If you are a tinkerer that wants to learn how to do new things, somebody who likes power tools but doesn’t own them all, have an idea that you want make a reality, or you want to creative but don’t have all of the right tools or space, this is the place for you.

This really has turned out to be the best anniversary gift ever that we both are enjoying…..and I don’t mind bragging about it.  

Update: January 24, 2019

I have posted a few pics of Paul’s early works, my acrylic pour painting, and my first items from the potters wheel. We have called MakerSpace our home away from home for the past few weeks and have enjoyed every minute of it.

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